There's talk of people just going the former and leaving even Multithreader out. The issue with me is building something that is 'averaged' enough to be able to capitalize on Adam' early game threat yet still be able to play the long game if needed. You get your free draw every turn, you can use Independent Thinking for rushing a big server, allows you to put put several copies of cards you absolutely want to draw yet don't need all copies in play and still put hem to good use. >Econ, Breakers, Recursion, Tricks: Pick two. Try 'Why I run', great for prospective Runners looking for a hands-on demo on how Running works (replace the spaces by dots): >Netrunner Card List and Data Pack Details: >Official FAQ, Compendium on rulings, and common mistakes >Android Netrunner Official FFG News & Spoilers: Which one is your favorite illustration so far /anrg/? Pic related is mine. Android Netrunner General Anonymous 21:17:58 Post No.